Renting usually means you have fewer things to be concerned about. Should the drain clog, there’s your landlord’s plumber to fix the mess. Should the air conditioning stop working totally, all you need is to call the property owner to have it replaced. This is why it often takes some serious events, such as a burglary, fire or an accident, for many renters to realize why they need an insurance. As a Renter, You Need Protection Too In fact, according to Simple Dollar, renters insurance is the least purchased product in the insurance market. On a 2012 poll, while 96% of homeowners have home insurance, only 31% of renters have theirs. While some can’t afford an insurance in the first place, there are renters here in Michigan who mistakenly assume they are covered by their landlord’s policy. There are also those who underestimate the value of their belongings, although the latter could easily add up to thousands of dollars.